Jack Frost
48 min
In this delightful animated tale, Pardon-me Pete (Buddy Hackett), the official groundhog of Groundhog Day, tells the story of Jack Frost, who falls in love with a beautiful young woman and begs Father Winter to make him human so that she can see him. His request is granted, but only on the condition that by the spring he has a house, a bag of gold, a horse and a wife--a tall order! But Jack finds that life as a human is more complicated then he thought. The girl he loves is kidnapped by the evil Cossack who is threatening to destroy the entire town. But the only way that he can save her and the town is to have his magic powers back. Jack Frost is a heartwarming tale that is sure to entertain the whole family!
Released: 1979-12-13
Rankin/Bass Productions